Chef Tee’s Beef Soup
Prep time: 10 minutes; cooking time: about 1 ½ hours

  • Beef short ribs, cut into 2-to-3-inch pieces
  • Salt & Pepper to taste
  • Water
  • Vegetables leftover in frig
  • Favorite soup vegetables (onions, red peppers, celery, etc.), chopped
  • Garlic (fresh or powder)
  • Favorite fresh herbs
  • Cornbread


  1. Season beef with Salt & Pepper.
  2. In large pot, add beef; brown meat over medium-high heat.
  3. When beef is sufficiently browned (aka caramelized), cover with water; bring to a boil.
  4. When water starts boiling, skim off fat from top; cover; lower heat to simmer; cook until meat is almost tender (at least 1 hour).
  5. Add “GOZE-IN-DA” veggies (aka, whatever vegetables you have leftover in frig, goes in da pot.)
  6. Add soup veggies.
  7. Simmer soup until veggies tender (about 20 minutes).
  8. Season (to taste) with Salt & Pepper, garlic, fresh herbs.
  9. Serve with warm cornbread.