Brian’s Grilled Sweet Potatoes with Honey Lime Glaze
Serves 4 to 6
Prep time: 5-to-10 minutes; cooking time: 15-to-2o minutes

  • 4-to-5 medium sweet potatoes, cleaned and cut into ¼ -inch slices w/skin
  • Water
  • Honey Lime Glaze (recipe below)


  1. Bring 1 inch of water to a boil in steamer.
  2. Place potatoes in basket of steamer; cover.
  3. Steam potatoes until almost done (5-to-10 minutes).
  4. Remove potatoes from steamer; coat w/glaze.
  5. Put potatoes on grill; cook covered for about 2-to-4 minutes per side (just long enough to make potatoes crisp and form grill marks).


Honey Lime Glaze
Makes ¼-to-½ cup
¼ cup lime juice
¼ cup honey
2 Tbsps. butter
Salt & Pepper to taste

  1. In small pot, mix all ingredients.
  2. Cook over medium-high heat until syrup consistency (about 5-to-10 minutes).